GrillBlazer GrillGun – No More Charcoal Chimneys!

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There’s nothing I love more than cooking over a hot fire. Put the fire directly into your hands with a GrillBlazer GrillGun portable propane torch. Cooking with gas has a whole new meaning!

Use code “EMV10” on their Website to save 10% site-wide!

GrillGun from GrillBlazer

As you may know, I am partnering with GrillBlazer, the trailblazing portable propane torch maker. They have created what I call a flamethrower (they call them torches) to light your charcoal effectively and safely from a distance, thanks to the long-barrel design. This testosterone-inducing tool lets out 400,000 BTUs of heat, which incinerates your charcoal or briquettes instantly. Want a GrillGun of your own? Use code “EMV10” at GrillBlazer to save 10% site-wide!

And make sure you also check out my review of the Su-VGun from GrillBlazer – the high-power propane torch, designed to sear your meat faster and better than any other searing torch available! I also discuss GrillBlazer the Company in this post.

How Does It Work?

Firing a GrillGun

This ultimate dude tool makes me even more excited to get outside and grill some meat. The GrillGun body looks very much like a pistol with a long barrel (or a short rifle), hence the name. On the lower part of the handle, or the magazine well, there is a place to hook up your 1-pound propane tank. You can also get an 8-foot hose that attaches to a 20-pound propane tank. 

Once all of your parts are in place, you can start the GrillGun up. To light, you turn on the gas (just a tad!) and pull the trigger. A small flame will emit from the flamethrower. With your pinky on the safety, squeeze the grip on the handle to light at full flame and BOOM 400,000 BTUs shoot out of the barrel! Once the GrillGun is at a full flame, you can point it at your charcoal and light your grill. No need to move the flame around much because the flame will light the charcoal all at once. The impressive flame coverage is why I call this tool a flamethrower. Watch the video and you be the judge!

When you stop squeezing the grip, the intense flame shuts off, and you can shut the pilot off with the valve you used to turn it on..

GrillGun Lighting Charcoal

What Safety Precautions Should I Take When Using?

Of course, when working with flamethrowers, there is an obvious potential danger. It is super fun and manly to use, but also possible mess up. Be fully aware of your surroundings because the flame travels long and will incinerate anything in its path. There are also quite a few safety features built into the Grill Gun.

One of my favorite safety features on the GrillGun (and its little brother the Su-V Gun) is the gas flow safety valve. Without this (i.e. with knock-offs from the competitors out there), when working with liquid propane when you turn the torch at too much of an angle liquid propane can leak up and into the mechanism. This can be very dangerous, and GrillBlazer took note. If liquid propane starts leaking into the chamber, the gas flow safety valve on the GrillGun will automatically shut off the flow of propane. If this happens to you, shut off the gun, unscrew the propane tank, and release any gas still in the tool. Put the tank back on and it will reset so you can continue using the flamethrower.

Where to get a GrillBlazer GrillGun

If you purchase a GrillBlazer GrillGun, tell me all about it! And don’t forget to use code “EMV10” at GrillBlazer to save 10% site-wide!

My Video Review of the GrillBlazer GrillGun

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*Disclosure: I only recommend products I use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you allow Eat More Vegans earn a small commission.

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